MA in Language & Literacy Curriculum

Four Core Courses (12 credits)

Introduction to Language

Theories & Models of Literacy

Second Language Acquisition

Teaching Adult Writers in Diverse Contexts

Two Language & Literacy Electives (6 credits)


Writing Center Theory & Practice

Introduction to Teaching Composition and Literature

Supervised Team Teaching

Basic Writing Theory & Practice

Additional courses offered in English Department & School of Education

Four General Elective Courses (12 credits)

Courses offered by the CCNY English Department MA in Language & Literacy, MA in Literature and MFA in Creative Writing will satisfy elective credits. In addition, graduate students can request approvals to enroll in courses in other CCNY academic departments and enroll in up to six credits at other CUNY colleges by e-permit.

No Thesis (unless student enrolls in the international studies track)

No Comprehensive Exams

Foreign Language Requirement for Graduation:

  • completion of an undergraduate 2nd-semester foreign language course with grade of B or higher

  • passing a two-hour translation exam (with a dictionary) at CCNY

  • completion of a CUNY Graduate Center Language Reading Program language class with grade of B or higher (French, Spanish, German, Italian, etc.)

  • participating in CCNY L&L MA study abroad program by living in a non-English speaking country for one semester

  • passing Translation Workshop graduate course offered by CCNY English Department with a grade of B or higher